Monday, November 20, 2006

Wedding at Claridges ball room - superb canapes

Went a friends wedding on Saturday night and it was a very nice do. This couple are filthy rich, so it was always going to be an upmarket event.

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about the dress, the groom, their future - this post will discuss one aspect of the wedding - the food.....

.....which was sublime

It's not often you get top quality tucker at a mass catered event, but if anyone can do, the guys at Claridges can. These guys are serious pros. I'd love to see their kitchen.

Let's start with the canapes, which were probably the highlight. I was determined to try each and every one, but I rationed myself to one of each, and I still must have eaten ten or so canapes, such was the spread on offer.

Let's see what I can remember - scallops wrapped in parma ham, beef sirloin skewers, smoked salmon and caviar cones....

Are you salivating yet? The list continues...

Salmon and cream cheese crackers, mini crackers with pate (possible foie gras, I'm not an expert on this), minced lamb skewers with chili sauce, duck spring rolls.

The one's which sound great were great, and the ones which sound bog standard were also great. I broke my resolution to have one of each, because I just had to have a second scallop (why not, perfect accompaniment to a glass of champagne).

The meal itself was also incredible. For starter there was a rich "tuffled veloute". To you and me that's a very rich soup. It was very creamy, much to the annoyance of the waif like woman sat next to me, who couldn't cope with the calorie hit, but couldn't resist the delicious creation. The most amazing thing about it was that it really did taste of truffles.

I don't think I have ever actually tasted truffles properly before. I have had many a dish which claim to be truffled, but such is the micro quantity normally used that I hadn't really noticed anything and I couldn't work out what all the fuss was about. But this soup tasted different. Finally I can accept that truffles really are as wonderful as everyone claims.

The main course was a rack of lamb, which was pinked to perfection. This is a real credit to the skill of the kitchen manager. Roasting lamb to perfection isn't easy when you are cooking for a few people for Sunday lunch - but to do it for 140 people, serving each table absolutely simulataneously, is nothing short of culinary heroism.


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