Tuesday, November 14, 2006

David's Deli - my lunch treat when working from home

I find myself working from home today. I therefore have followed my usual "working from home" routine and had lunch from a local place called David's Deli.

When I say local, I mean local in the superlative sense. It's 20 metres from the back of my block of flats. It's almost a community centre for our block - reminds me of the college bar in my university days.

Thanks to the shmooze of the Israeli's who run it, it's also a bit of a housewives favourite.

The over the top meditteranean welcome is just one of its attractions. It also does very nice food. It's all made fresh (daily it appears), then warmed to order in the microwave. As such the service is faster than Richard Hammond on a test track, and therefore appeals to my gluttony. There's very of the little agonising wait between choosing what you would like to eat and actually eating it.

As the name would suggest, it's a kind of deli. Not the kind mind you with salamis hanging from the ceiling and olives sold in overpriced pots. It's really a cafe I suppose. It does a lot of the deli stuff, like humous, taramasalata, bagels, smoked salmon etc.

Today I just got a falafel. £3.50 (less than a meal at pret), whipped up in a flash and served with enthusiasm. I asked them if they had todays paper which I could read whilst I ate, and you knkow what these guys did - they actually sent one of the staff out, who came back from the newsagent with the Times and Telegraph. That's the best service I've seen since we ate at a 3* restaurant in the South of France, and they offered Jill a pashmina to keep warm as she was looking a bit chilly as we ate on the terrace.

I think the up their own @rse posh restaurants in London could learn a thing or two about service from this friendly little place.


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