Friday, November 10, 2006

Work lunch - Pret a manger soup and sandwich

Hats off to Pret a Manger - the best sandwich chain there is.

Their USP is that all sandwiches are made fresh on site throughout the day. I can't think of anyone else who does that - except those mom and pop's places where you have to wait for ages and then explain to someone with a thin grasp of english exactly how you want your sandwich, down to the number of grains of salt. Plus they only seem to have about two fillings that look at all appetising.

Personally I prefer to just grab something off a shelf when I am in a rush.

The rule of Pret is that it takes over £5 to get you full up. So quite an expensive option. I usually opt for a soup and sandwich - especially when it's chilly outside. Soup £2.69, sandwich £1.45 some sort of desert £1.50 - total £5.64.

I had the chicken and leek stew today. Why do they call it a stew when it's blatently a soup? Anyway - it was pretty good, as usual.

Then I got one of those "half" sandwiches. I can never decide which sandwich to get, as there seems to be few options for the "half" and most of them are fatty (chicken avocado/chicken mayo) boring (egg) or both (homous). So I got my usual favourite and the trademark Pret Sandwich - Crayfish and rocket.

I like eating crayfish. It tastes luxurious, like real seafood. Apparently our rivers are teeming with them and they are nuisance because they eat everything else in the river up. They are like an aquatic terminator baddie. So you are doing the world a favour if you eat more of the b*stards. You don't have the guilt associated with most seafood these days - you can feel positively virtuous - like a cannibal eating Osama bin Laden rather than a hapless missionary.

The rocket makes a nice balance. Pret are kind enough to provide the "recipe" for this sandwich on the box - but you don't need to be August Escoffier to work it out. I think there's a bit of something like paprika in there. There's plenty of mayonaise for sure, although there seems to be less these days than there used to be. Which I suppose is good.

Pret supplies the nutritional information for all their sandwiches on their site. Only 185 calories in my crayfish half. Chicken and avocado would have hit me for 230, as would the humous. Actually egg mayo is slightly better at 180. All day breakfast would have been my most sinful option with a wopping 300 calories in a tiny half sandwich.

So there you go, a nice fresh healthy, guilt free sandwich and a warming bowl of soup. Long may Pret last.

Well I am sure it will now it's part of the McDonald's Group!


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